Sunday, December 20, 2009

Yes! It Was a Happening!

Scenes from today . . . wish I could show you all the beautiful families with their dear little kids who crowded the audience at Traditions today, to see No Need for Dragons. But there wasn't time to ask if photos would be allowed. Here are Hazelnut, his sister Oregano, and Mrs. Toad  (pictures kindly taken by my friend Kristin Blalack).

The kids sang along with Oregano (all about eating wriggly things), and their singing was delightful! Lots of kids came backstage after the show to try out the puppets themselves, and one young guy did really well learning to play my Native American flute. I loved getting to talk with the parents and kids who stayed while I was packing up. A few: the sweet young dads with their rambunctious little boys running out to drink some rain; the wise and pretty mom with her little ice cream eaters (big sis can spell so well).
     I'm very pleased because everyone wants more shows. And I'm invited to perform at the Timberland Libraries! Hooray!
     The next thing will be to offer classes and workshops so lots of kids and families can enjoy the many types of handson work/play of puppetry.

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