Friday, September 13, 2013

"I Am the Genie!"

In Nancy and Audrey's kindergarten class, the kids' portrait puppets have worked as fun learning partners, used as well for conflict resolution. Now they also serve as pop-up genies, with the children declaring, "I have the power to make my dreams come true."

Our very generous volunteer, my friend Priscilla Hoback, came by day and by night to help put it all together - we had the maker spirit going, so fun! The puppets now are interchangeable as pop-up genies or back to the original "little me" hand puppets.

The kids were delighted, exuberant with this new development. Their teacher Ms. Nancy coached them on being gentle, and they got to claim ownership by writing and decorating their names and taping them to their "genie bottles":
 And off they go!

P.S. All the world should see Ms. Nancy with her charges. She is powerful yet tender, firm yet very gentle, consistent and clear. They feel safe with her, cherished and understood. Which all goes into little beings developing their minds and 
realizing their power to create anything they will ever want or need.

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