Tuesday, November 17, 2020

God Bless America!

Yes, I have been teaching off and on for the last three years (not at the school, my art program was ended; and later, they closed). Can't really say why I haven't posted anything here. But I am moved to share this as it is so much for our times, and for our children's. 

The assignment one day last week for a ragtag little group ages six to twelve was "God Bless America!" I told the kids they would show the whole entire country and they said they could never ever do the whole country! But starting with Mount Rainier, then a library (!), a desert, a beautiful farm, all the way to the White House and Supreme Court and a prison for lying politicians lol - finally a long flowing river, a restaurant for great pizza, a dog pound and a large and fabulous ice cream parlor - everyone was proud and excited for doing quite well in showing what, to them, America is all about!

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