Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I have worked with kids all my life and taught a lot of art and writing. Last year I was teaching a creative writing class at a school in my neighborhood and found the kids to be restless for handson activities. I luckily got another teaching grant but this time it was for puppetry. What a difference! The kids were excited and their excitement spread to their peers, teachers and families. We did two really great shows even though they had hardly any time to practice. When summer came I decided to learn everything possible about this magical and multi-faceted artform and opened up my own little roaming puppet theater. Kids and families were thrilled with the activities and shows. I've learned that all personality types respond happily to puppets. One mom with a little autistic boy who had screaming fits (and nothing but) finally started talking to him with a puppet. He was enchanted, and she was able to build a bridge of communication and enormous healing for her son.

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