Saturday, May 31, 2014

Oh! So Much

The peace and satisfaction of working with something grown in nature
Ha ha ha my ragtag bunch of lamp makers. What a flurry I was in when the time came to stitch their watercolors to the lamp frames. I knew it would be a tedious job for them, but little did I expect how persistent and determined they would be. For an hour and a half, they stitched . . . and they stitched . . . and they stitched! . . . with yet more to do when we meet again next week. Not a single complaint from any of them.

We had an enormous amount of help from two real live angels, Willa and Kazue:
Other projects:

Jacob knows more about mushrooms than any child at school. He scored gills on the underside of the cap, and learned how to load the tip of his brush with white paint so he could get perfect little dots on top. This scene by artist Erich Heinemann is what he had in mind while making his mushroom.

The kindergarten kids are learning about dinosaurs, so I showed them how to draw fossils of trilobites, which eventually evolved to become crabs. Alec knew nothing of this but looked at the trilobites and said they could easily be crabs, and wanted to draw one large claw (like a crab). For a rowdy little fellow he sees deeply into things.

We took our puppet workshop outside.

End of the week. Everything's been taken care of and tended to; the
children all loved. Time for a deep, long breath.

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